March 29, 2025 ()

Weekday Minyanim

Weekday Minyanim

Be One In a Minyan

Be counted in the ONLY egalitarian minyan in Akron.

Those who attend weekday minyan are grateful for the opportunity to begin their day by worshiping and studying together. Morning minyanim are held Wednesdays & Fridays at 7:30 a.m. in-person in the Gross Family Chapel or on Zoom. Stay for a full breakfast (bagels, eggs, lox & fruit) following minyan every Friday morning in the Mercaz. Join us and be one in a Minyan!

Other minyanim may be scheduled on request. Simply submit requests to the Rabbi at least one week in advance.

Please let Rabbi know if you have Yahrzeit on a Wednesday or a Friday and we will send out a note to ensure a minyan.