March 29, 2025 ()



High Holy Days

The High Holy Days experience at Beth El Congregation is, unquestionably, without parallel. This is where our legacy shines brightest.

Traditionally, our worship space is filled with members of all ages, families, and guests. With our Rabbi and Torahs robed in white, we cannot help but feel an elevated sense of spirituality.

Join us for reflection, friendship, remembrance, a re-commitment to acts of loving kindness, and an experience that binds us to one another and God in a powerful and transformative way.

We offer a wide array of meaningful experiences during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In our shul, there certainly is something for everyone.

Sukkot, Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

The final shofar blast at the conclusion of Yom Kippur isn’t the end of the holiday season. As the chaggim continue during the month of Tishrei, Beth El brings you interactive services and unique holiday experiences, outdoors in our Sukkah, in our Chapel, and virtually online.


Join us for our annual Chanukah Bash, which features our signature intergenerational community menorah lighting as well as latkes and much more!


Beth El has a rich history of celebrating Purim during our interactive, multi-generational Purim Service and Shpiel. A costume parade, food, and fun create a celebratory backdrop for our traditional (and not-so-traditional) Megillah reading.


As we jump from the joy of Purim to the whirlwind of Passover, each year Beth El hosts a Congregational Seder on the second night of Pesach with support from our Sisterhood. Come and celebrate the Festival of Freedom with the members of our Beth El family!


Come and celebrate ”Z’man Mantan Torateinu” – the “Time of the Giving of our Torah” with your Beth El Family! We partner with other area congregations to offer a wide variety of all-night learning opportunities on Erev Shavuot, and mark the end of the holiday with Yizkor during 2nd Day Shavuot morning services.