March 14, 2025 (15th of Adar, 5785)

B’nei Mitzvah

B’nei Mitzvah

B’nei Mitzvah can take place on Shabbat mornings throughout the year in our beautiful Victor & Lillian Gross Family Chapel or in the Beth El Sanctuary and Auditorium. We are pleased to set the date of your child’s Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah any time from their 11th birthday until 12 months before the occasion.

All Bar/Bat Mitzvah students study regularly in our Religious School and work individually with our B’nei Mitzvah tutor and our Rabbi.  They work toward acquiring a variety of lifelong skills, including reading Torah and Haftarah, leading portions of the Shabbat morning service, writing and giving a D’var Torah, and participating in a meaningful Mitzvah Project.

To learn more, including potential dates and tutoring information, please contact our Executive Director, Erin Katz Ford.

Adult B’nei Mitzvah

Our Rabbi will make an Adult Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah possible for all those who wish to study. Please contact Rabbi Lipton for more details.